

发信人: lihui (xiaoya), 信区: Sociology
标 题: 美国社会学博士课程排名(及评价)
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Jul 25 23:25:15 2006)

送交者: 总体排名 2006年7月25日15:01:59 于 [教育与学术]http://www.bbsland.com



1 Chicago, Berkeley, Harvard, UCLA



2 Princeton, Stanford, UMich-Ann Arbor, Columbia, North Carolina-Chapel Hill



Wisconsin, Berkeley, Chicago, Michigan都是顶级牛校。 Wisconsin的规模实在是太大


Harvard今年从Princeton挖了数个教授,包括Michele Lamont。Northwestern的确是文化

Rank/School      Average reputation score (5 = highest) 

1. University of Wisconsin-Madison 4.8 
2. University of California-Berkeley 4.7 
2. University of Chicago 4.7 
4. University of Michigan-Ann Arbor 4.5 
4. University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill 4.5 
6. University of California-Los Angeles 4.3 
7. Harvard University (MA) 4.2 
7. Stanford University (CA) 4.2 
9. Princeton University (NJ) 4.1 
10. Northwestern University (IL) 4.0 
10. University of Arizona 4.0 
12. University of Pennsylvania 3.9 
13. Indiana University-Bloomington 3.8 
13. University of Texas-Austin 3.8 
13. University of Washington 3.8 
16. Columbia University (NY) 3.7 
16. Duke University (NC) 3.7 
18. Penn State University-University Park 3.6 
19. Cornell University (NY) 3.5 
19. University of Minnesota-Twin Cities 3.5 
21. Johns Hopkins University (MD) 3.4 
21. Ohio State University-Columbus 3.4 
21. SUNY-Albany 3.4 
24. New York University 3.2 
24. SUNY-Stony Brook 3.2 
24. University of California-Santa Barbara 3.2 
24. University of Maryland-College Park 3.2 
28. Brown University (RI) 3.1 
28. University?lt;?xml version="1.0" encoding="GBK"?>
</hotsubjef California-Davis 3.1 
28. University of Illinois-Urbana-Champaign 3.1 
28. University of Iowa 3.1 
28. University of Massachusetts-Amherst 3.1 
28. Vanderbilt University (TN) 3.1 
28. Yale University (CT) 3.1 
35. Washington State University 3.0 
36. CUNY Graduate School & University 2.9 
36. Michigan State University 2.9 
36. Rutgers-New Brunswick (NJ) 2.9 
36. University of California-San Diego 2.9 
36. University of Virginia 2.9 
41. New School for Social Research (NY) 2.8 
41. SUNY-Binghamton 2.8 
43. Brandeis University (MA) 2.7 
43. Emory University (GA) 2.7 
43. University of California-Riverside 2.7 
43. University of Southern California 2.7 
47. Boston University 2.6 
47. Florida State University 2.6 
47. University of Georgia 2.6 
47. University of Illinois-Chicago 2.6 
51. Boston College 2.5 
51. North Carolina State University 2.5 
51. Purdue Univemm, where is wadaxi now? purdue?enis he married?nothanks你问他干什么... curiousoabout citations, i think that she's in love with someonehow do you knowi guess'dokmorningafternoongood afternoongoodhave you checked out the keng in love board? about ABC gf ?no, i never go love board. is it interesting?it's big. kind of interestingo,summary baa guy wants to get married with a ABC girl after dating her for 6 months. the girl doesn't want to rush. The guy wasn't happy since he thought that ABC should help him with his visa problemft, wsn!but... sometime people do that for loved ones , right?hehe, who knowslet me find you a postok??love 5314. ohehei think it's reasonable..okenmore reasonablefor womenyou've got a point.plus, 6 mons is not long enoughtrue, 6months is too shorten双妹!hj...what are you doingnot much, mark a few posts..are you visiting your lp?sheshe's here todayshe's visiting you?o, then i talk to you later:) okwho's that wsn whining on dreamer?I don'rsity-West Lafayette (IN) 2.5 
51. Texas A&M University-College Station 2.5 
51. University of Florida 2.5 
51. University of Kansas 2.5 
51. University of Nebraska-Lincoln 2.5 
51. University of Notre Dame (IN) 2.5 
