
[合集] 2006 Soc Journal Impact Factors Ranking

发信人: fdstephen (kiwilo), 信区: Sociology
标 题: [合集] 2006 Soc Journal Impact Factors Ranking
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri Jul 13 11:20:11 2007), 站内

sasa (无空) 于 (Tue Jul 10 10:52:09 2007) 提到:

1. ARS.
2. ASR.
3. AJS.
4. Sociological Methods and Research.
5. Soc Ruralis.
6. Soc Networks.
7. Journal of Marriage and Family
8. Soc Health Ill.
9. Soc Probs.
10. Economy & Society.
11. Global networks
13. law and society review
14. social forces
15. sociological methodology
16. sociology of education
17. sociology
18. work and occupations
19. rural sociology
20. society and natural resources

fdstephen (kiwilo) 于 (Wed Jul 11 23:55:13 2007) 提到:

Hi,Sasa! Could you also post a link for the source of this rank?

【 在 sasa (无空) 的大作中提到: 】
: 1. ARS.
: 2. ASR.
: 3. AJS.
: 4. Sociological Methods and Research.
: 5. Soc Ruralis.
: 6. Soc Networks.
: 7. Journal of Marriage and Family
: 8. Soc Health Ill.
: 9. Soc Probs.
: 10. Economy & Society.
: ...................

sasa (无空) 于 (Thu Jul 12 11:06:56 2007) 提到:


This is the ISI Web of Knowledge website. Choose JCR social science edition
2006, go in, and select impact factors. This is the authoritative source for
academic journals' impact factors and related information. One can also
check up other disciplines' journal impact ranking.

fdstephen (kiwilo) 于 (Fri Jul 13 11:18:44 2007) 提到:

Many thanks!

【 在 sasa (无空) 的大作中提到: 】
: http://portal.isiknowledge.com/portal.cgi?DestApp=JCR&Func=Frame&Init=Yes&SID=3B2p84Mdl1KDg7OeaIK
: This is the ISI Web of Knowledge website. Choose JCR social science
: 2006, go in, and select impact factors. This is the authoritative source
: academic journals' impact factors and related information. One can also
: check up other disciplines' journal impact ranking.
