




n         John D. McCarthyMayer N. Zald 是"资源动员"Resource Mobilization理论的奠基人。他们在 1977年合作发表的Resource Mobilization and Social Movements: A Partial TheoryAmerican Journal of Sociology 82: 1212-1241),开创了社会运动研究中的"资源动员 "这一全新理论视角,同时开创了社会运动研究的一个新时代。

n         David A. Snow 的"框架建构"理论被公认为西方社会运动研究的三大支柱之一。他和他的学生在1986 发表的"Frame Alignment ProcessesMicromobilizationand Movement Participation. "(American Sociolgical Review 51: 464-481 )一文已经成为集体行为与社会运动研究的经典。

n         赵鼎新教授关于国家-社会关系与社会运动,特别是空间布局(Ecology )和集体行为与社会运动之间关系的研究具有广泛影响。他还出版了中国大陆第一本社会运动教材:《社会与政治运动讲义》(社会科学文献出版社,2006

n         苏阳教授曾师从John McCarthyDoug McAdam(集体行为与社会运动研究三大支柱之一——"政治过程"理论的权威)和Andrew Walder(政治社会学权威,中国研究专家)。 他的主要领域是多种文化和政治形态下社会运动的比较研究,侧重于1960 年代的重大运动的个案分析。

John D. McCarthy

n         Ph.D.SociologyUniversity of Oregon1968

n         Professor and Chair, Department of Sociology and Crime, Law & Justice, The Pennsylvania State University

n         Teaching and Research Interests: Collective behavior and social movements; policing of the public order; formal organizations; and mass media processes

David A. Snow

n         Ph.D.University of CaliforniaLos Angeles1976

n         Chancellor's Professor, Sociology of Department, University of California, Irvine

n         Teaching and Research Interests: Collective Behavior and Social Movements, Social Psychology, Urban, Social Problems, Culture and Qualitative Methods

Yang Su

n         Ph.D. SociologyStanford University 2003

n         Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology, University of California, Irvine

n         Teaching and Research Interests: Social Movements and Collective Action, Political Sociology, China's Political Transition

Mayer N. Zald

n         Ph.D SociologyUniversity Of Michigan 1960

n         Professor Emeritus of Business Administration, Professor Emeritus of Sociology, Professor Emeritus of Social Work at University of Michigan

n         Member of The American Academy of Arts and Sciences

n         Teaching and Research Interests: Organizations and nations: new perspectives on conflict and cooperation; comparative perspectives on social movements: political opportunities, mobilizing structures and cultural framings, and reformulation of social science as science and humanities.

Dingxin Zhao

n         Ph.D. SociologyMcGill University 1995

n         Ph.D. EntomologyMcGill University 1990

n         Associate Professor, Department of Sociology, The University of Chicago

n         Teaching and Research Interests: Social movements, nationalism, comparative historical sociology, social change and economic development. His interests also extend to micro-sociology, ecological sociology, sociological theory, and methodology.

